Stakeholder Communication

Become a “Preferred Business Partner”

Becoming a preferred business partner often comes down to having good stakeholder communication. When the dialogue is good and easy, your business partners feel heard and understood. They trust you. They prefer you. And they recommend you.

But often you enter a meeting with two opposite perspectives which creates so much misunderstanding you end up being irritated and frustrated. In the worst case you might start creating negative narratives about “them”: “They always focus on the wrong aspects - they don’t understand” … and so on. This only ends badly.

Instead, change your approach to the dialogue. It all boils down to active listening rather than rushing towards arguments and solutions. There are strategies and tools for that.


  • Knowing the dialogue framework and essential toolbox for how to create mutual understanding when in dialogue with your business partners.


  • The 5-phase model to becoming a preferred business partner when having a dialogue

  • Applying the 5-phase model to cases

  • Individual feedback on what to work on

  • A lot of dialogue training and feedback in a safe environment

  • A common language among the team, so you continuously work with providing feedback to each other

Blended Learning concept

It’s not the model and tools in and of themselves that turn you into strong communicators – it’s the actual doing, the experience that comes from doing it. Therefore all tools and techniques are given via pre-recorded videos. When we meet for training – we spend all the time applying the tools to your cases.

Step 1: Learn the principles via videos. Prepare a case.

Step 2: 3,5 hours of training: We apply the tools and the model to your business cases. Training and feedback.

Step 3: Apply in a real-life situation.

Step 4: 3,5 hours of training. We work with optimising your approach, working continuously with a real-life case.


Duration: 3,5 hours + 5,5 hours + tasks + videos

Where: On-site.

Price: 60.000 DKK for the full program. (35.000 DKK for step 1+2+3)

Take your stakeholder communication to the next level …