General terms and conditions

Agreement Confirmation

1.1 An agreement is considered binding once it has been confirmed by the customer. Confirmation can happen by simply replying “ok” to an email or by signing a contract.


2.1 Group consultancy services are invoiced following delivery unless otherwise agreed upon.

2.2. Individual Programs are invoiced after the first session.

2.3 Payment is due within 30 days following the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed upon.


3.1 If any transport outside Greater Copenhagen is required, a transportation fee will be added to the final invoice. The amount of this will be based on the current state rates. In 2020 the rate is 3,54 DKK per km. Any expenses for bridge tolls or ferry tickets will be added.

Postponement of Individual Sessions

4.1 1:1 sessions can be postponed for free no later than 72 hours before the scheduled activity.
4.2 If a 1:1 session is postponed between 72 hours and 12 hours before the scheduled activity, the customer will receive an invoice for 50% of the agreed price of the service.
4.3 If a 1:1 session is postponed later than 12 hours before the scheduled activity, the customer will receive an invoice for the full agreed price of the service.
4.4 A postponed activity is subject to the same rules as any other confirmed agreement

Cancellation of Group activiy

5.1 Group activities (workshops, courses, lectures) can be cancelled free of charge no later than 14 day before scheduled activity.
5.2 If group activities are cancelled later that 14 days before the scheduled activity, the customer will receive an invoice for the full amount of the agreed price of the service.


6.1 All information received in the course of business is treated as privileged information and will not be discussed or shared with any third parties.


7.1 Personal Communication Academy and Lene Kobbernagel retain the right to display customers’ names, titles and company logos on a reference list on the company website.

Company Registration

8.1 The CVR registration for Personal Communication Academy is DK29079307. The company is a Sole Proprietorship wholly owned and run by Lene Kobbernagel.