Lene Kobbernagel
I strive to make people shine when they communicate. My favorite word is “Again”, because I believe in repetition as the perfect way to get success with changing your habits and reaching your goals.
Presenting Virtually with Impact
Hi there,
I am thrilled to have you onboard this Virtual Training Course in Presenting Virtually with Impact.
Here you will find the prework and as we go along you will find all material linked to this course.
Have fun with it. See you on September 13th and September 20th 2022
Module 2
How to present in 4 minutes
Giving strong examples
Facilitate a dialogue afterwards
How to apply in your daily work
Module 1
How to present an update at a meeting
Creating Engagement with Quick Involvements
The Hook - Grabbing attention from the beginning
Task for Module 2
Ready for download:)
Ready for download:)
Prework for Module 1
Give an Update using the Temple Structure
How do you give your audience the right overview of your information and avoid the trap of descending into all the details that are on your mind?
The answer is to categorize your information with a headline and 3 opening questions.
The “Temple Structure” can help you do that.
Title and Opening Questions:
Status of Project X, that is what we’re going to talk about today.
At the end of my presentation you will know the answers to:
What are the most important results we have gotten so far?
Which challenges are we facing right now?
How are we approaching them?
Ansswer Opening Question 1:
“What are the most important results?”
“There are two results that are very important”
“The first important result is X
The second important result is Y.
“So, What are the most important results? (Pause) X and Y.”
Answer Opening Question 2:
Answer Question 2
“What challenges are we facing?”
“There are only one challenge of big importance:
The challenge x.
Answer Question 3
How are we approaching it?
To approach this challenge, we are doing three things
One: We are doing X
Two: We will do Y
Three: We will do Z
This will make us overcome the challenge.
”With these important updates on project X, we believe that we are taking giant steps towards a strong, stable system“
Your Tasks before Module 1:
Task 1:
Prepare an update following the Temple Structure.
This could be:
Status update on a project - where are we
An update on the business plan
An update on something else.
To be concrete:
Prepare a strong Headline. Learn it by heart.
Prepare two opening questions. Learn these by heart.
Prepare short 1-3 short answers to each question. Make notes and bring to Module 1
End with a nice benefit.
Task 2
Watch the two videos and please show up with a professional screen image and get ready to speak to “Bernie”:)
Prework for Module 2
Task 1:
Think of a message where you would like to influence your target group. This could be:
an initiative for optimisation
an initiative for the better working environment
an idea for how to work smarter
a suggestion for a work-flow change
Something else?
Prepare the OPENING of this message following the this script: .
Task 2: Watch these vidoes
After the Course
Commit yourself to three things after the class :) | No | Yes |
I will speak in Corridors - one sentence = one corridor | ||
I will present from the I-posture with lower body firmly grouded | ||
I will use hands to serve sentences to look confident | ||
I will use my hands to place topics in my surrounding space | ||
I will use Rule of 3, and use my fingers to illustrate the 3 points | ||
I will use the S body posture to come across as warm and informal | ||
I will use pauses after each meaning sequence: Say “Can you follow me?” Tacitly in your head | ||
I will use WHY Stories: We are currently in a situation, and we strive to… , BUT unfortunately…. And the consequence is | ||
I will speak in lists and use hands to place list items on shelves or with bowling balls | ||
I will end with a Call to Action using 3 fingers to illustrate each action | ||
I will use an involvement activity to grab attention in the opening |