Lene Kobbernagel
I strive to get people heard and understood.
Powerhouse: Eight Powerful Body Language Tecnhniqiues
The Powerhouse
The eight body language techniques that ensure that you will present with confidence, clarity and charisma:
Watch these three techniques to come across with confidence
When you feel confident using The Corridors, The “I,” and Serving Hands, it’s time to continue working on your clarity.
Watch these four videos to learn how to communicate more clearly. Then, apply the techniques in your meetings.
NB - They can also be done in sitting meetings.
Placing Hands
Graphic Hands
Full Stop Pauses
Watch these two videos for how to come across with personal warmth to become charismatic.
The “S” Body Posture
Acting Hands
Create a Strong Opening
If you want to command attention, craft a strong opening. Get inspiration from TED-talkers: