Tool No 6: Lingering Hands

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HOW? Sense the weight of your hands, and move them as if moving slowly through water. Try it with a set of dumbbells or other heavy objects to give you the same feeling of moving your hands in a calm, controlled manner. Underline each sentence with either Serving, Placing or Illustrative hands. When you stop speaking, keep those strong hands in the air for two seconds.

I have introduced almost everyone I have coached – CEOs, salespeople, teachers – to lingering hands.

The trick is to use them to underline your point with a single gesture – and to maintain the gesture at the end of the sentence. A lot of people drop their hands even before the end of the sentence. No matter how important the message, the body language implies that they don’t fully believe what they’re saying.

It’s the equivalent of your lips saying “We have to challenge conventional thinking”, while your hands say, “Or maybe not”. Lingering hands signal ownership of what you’ve just said.

TIP! There’s no point in using lingering hands if your fingertips curl in towards your body. Make sure they are outstretched and pointing away from you as your hold your hands in the air.
BUT...  I look stupid standing with my hands in front of me or out to the side all the time. Revert to your normal position after the two seconds. Don’t do anything radical or different with your hands, because we don’t want it to look as if you’re just waving your hands about in the air. Stick to the kind of movements you usually make, only in a more deliberate fashion.