Tool No 25: Call-to-Action

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HOW? Articulate the actions needed to achieve your objective. These actions will act as milestones.

If you really want to inspire others and leave them feeling motivated to make a difference after your meeting or presentation, issue a call to action.

My recipe for success is that the actions must trigger specific types of behaviour that provide direction for a whole day, week or month and get the job done. Just saying “be more proactive” may inspire consumers to think, but it isn’t much of a call-to-action.

Saying “identify the problem, come up with the solution, and knock on the door” has far greater impact – it makes them want to do something. The more precisely articulated your calls to action, the more successful you will be at transforming strategy into outcomes.

TIP! Does your call to action pass the chair test? Does it make listeners want to jump out of their seats and get on with it, or do they remain seated at the end of the meeting?
BUT...  I don’t get the difference between a call-to-action and a core statement? A core statement is more general and can be meaningful, even if it is just something you write down. A call to action is only meaning- ful if it leads to you getting things done.