Tool No 5: Lean Forward

05 Lean Forward.png

HOW? If you are sitting down, lean in over the table, moving from the waist. If you are standing up, lean forward slightly, from the ankles rather than the waist.

Leaning forward by just 10 cm changes how confident you look. It worked for Dorthe. She is a special consultant in a local authority in Jutland, who often facilitates meetings attended by sceptical managers. When answering critical questions, Dorthe would subconsciously pull away, leaning one shoulder diagonally backwards. Her body language said that she wanted to run away (which she probably did!). Sensing her insecurity, the sceptics felt emboldened, and would pose even more difficult questions.

I taught Dorthe to lean forward into the room, toward the critics. A video showed her the difference. “It’s amazing what a big difference a little change makes,” she said. Yup.

Working on your body language is all about subtle changes, and small adjustments really do have a huge impact.

TIP! When facing criticism, a situation in which the natural reac- tion is usually to pull back, you will look more convincing if you lean forward, as you listen and speak. Leaning forward sends a strong signal that you believe what you are saying.
BUT...  I think I look stupid leaning forward. Are you starting with the hips instead of the ankles? Your whole body should lean forward from the ankles, – a bit like a mime artist walking into a strong wind.