Tool No 21: Strong Opening

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HOW? Make a strong first impression with an opening that sums up your message. Share a personal story, show a video clip, ask provocative questions, describe a nightmare or a dream scenario...

The strong opening is the hook you use to catch the listener. Imagine that everyone in your audience has a remote control, and will change channel if you aren’t interesting. Have you grabbed their attention straight away and made them want to know more? Or have lost them before you’ve even started?

The first thing you say is crucial – so much so that it can colour everything that follows. Never skimp on your openings. The American author Susan Cain walked onto the stage for her TED Talk carrying a big bag. She recalled how, as a child, she had packed it full of books for summer camp. But despite wanting to read every day, the bag remained closed all summer.

As an opening, it captured my attention. Why did she read not read the books she had brought? She later argued that our entire society fails to recognise the value of being introverted. The opening with the bag illustrated the theme of her talk, and all of her points flowed from it.

When you rehearse a strong opening and get off to a good start, people pay far more attention to the rest of what you have to say.

TIP! In journalism, headlines are designed to wake people up (grab the reader’s attention), egg them on (make them want to know more) and be appropriate (reflect the content of the story). The same principles apply to your opening.
BUT...  I like to start meetings with a bit of small talk. A great deal of time is wasted on trivialities at meetings. I believe that most people prefer to get straight down to business. Start with something substantial and people will pay far more attention.