An Elevator Pitch of The Company’s Core Story


What should you say about your company (or department) to make the right impression, leaving your receivers trusting you both professionally and personally? Here is the recipe for an Elevator Pitch, which you can use as inspiration for delivering a short introduction. I have inspired this recipe from Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle Model”, “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath.


  1. NAME, TITLE and NUMBERS (impress with years in the business/customers/employees/countries). Example:

  2. WHY: Formulate one short sentence describing your WHY, meaning the difference you are striving to make in your work.
    Example: We help clients meet their carbon emissions.

  3. HOW: Formulate a short sentence describing your most important unique approach in your quest to realise your WHY. Sometimes you need to present two competencies, but strive to make it only one: We do that by… / We take pride in… / We simplify / analyse / Example: We do that by enabling the production of decarbonized fuels.

  4. EXAMPLE PROOF: Give a concrete example of what exactly it is that you are doing, and present a recent result on behalf of a prominent client (name-dropping welcomed).
    Example: For example we’ve provided the technology that reduces sulfur and other pollutants from fossil fuel emissions, which has made it possible for [Customer] to reduce their carbon emission by [X].

  5. ILLUSTRATION OR METAPHOR: Draw an illustration with your hands in the space in front of you that explains how you approach something. For example: draw how you bridge the gaps or how you make a shortcut…. OR: Present your way of thinking with a metahor: Example: Our role is to the client’s GPS, suggesting the fastest route to carbon emissions.

  6. TAGLINE: A brief one-liner expressing a value statement – it should say something about your unique way of working or thinking.

    “Perfecting chemistry for a better world” is what we believe in.

EXAMPLE of a 45 second Elevator Pitch.

Tip: Remove the word “and” as much as possible:)

[Company] is a leading global provider of solutions for the energy transition with 2400 employees around the world. We help clients meet their carbon emissions. We do that by enabling the production of decarbonized fuels. For example we’ve provided the technology that reduces sulfur from fossil fuel emissions, which has made it possible for [Customer] to reduce their carbon emission by [X] %. Think of it like adding xtra cleansing steps to already existing processes (draw this with hands). “Perfecting chemistry for a better world” is what we believe in.

Perform with “Make Keywords Stand Out”

Watch this video. Consider which keywords in your Elevator Pitch should stand out.

Be able to present your Elevator Pitch with emphasized keywords when we meet.