Smiling Eyes

On a scale from 1-5, how natural is it for you to smile when you present?

If your score is 3 or below, do the following:

Technique 1 : Music as primer

Put on your favorite music for twenty seconds before a presentation – it will get you in that warm state needed for smiling with your eyes.

What music makes you smile?

Stand up and present a problem and a solution to your camera after listening to this music.

Rate yourself

Look at the recording. How well did it work? Did you smile with your eyes? If yes, listen to music in the bathroom before you present!

Technique 2: Get your audience to smile back at you

When you present, give yourself this task :

How many smiles can you get from your audience when presenting. If you get 5 smiles in return for yours - you are a superstar (it can be 5 smiles from the same person)