Eye Contact with “Corridors”

Are you comfortable looking other people in the eyes? If you want to appear confident, there is no way around looking people in the eyes. Stand up while watching, and imitate me doing Corridors.

Your task

Find two focus points in front of you. It could be a lamp or a plant or an electrical button. Let your eyes dwell on your chosen focus point for several seconds. The apple of your eyes must not flicker. Be focused. Now shift your corridor to the other focus point.

Present yourself in these two corridors. Shift the corridors after each sentence.

Get up in front of the camera.

  • Version 1: Present for 40 seconds. Record. Watch yourself. Correct yourself.

  • Version 2: Present it again. Record. Watch. Correct.

  • Version 3: Present it again. Record. Watch. Correct. Keep the last recording.

Rate yourself

Did your eyes flicker? Or did you succeed in keeping eyes focused?

Of course you did:) Good job!!