Formulate your Call-to-Action
Any presentation should end with a Call-to-Action and a Reward. You need to formulate yours based on the question: What does it take – in a very concrete sense — to turn your solution into reality?
Your Task:
Which three concrete actions can your audience DO in near future, that will ensure that you will succeed with your message?
What will they get out of it?
If your message is to implement a new IT-system, your Call-to-Action might be:
ONE: Use the new system for a minimum of ten minutes every day
TWO: Participate in one workshop on the new IT-system
THREE: Talk to a colleague about your experiences with the system
REWARD: In that way we will all onboard together - and reduce frustration. We’ll celebrate it with a nice dinner.
To succeed with { goal }, the first concrete things we need to do are:
To succeed with collaborating across disciplines, the first concrete things we need to do are:
Involve everyone in making a concrete plan
Adjust the concrete plan as-we-go based on experiences
Have more conversations about our strategy and our work
That way we’ll make each other more happy