Set a Personal Goal and Commit to It

Choose a topic. Choose a target group. Answer the four questions:

1. What do you want to become better at?
For example: To prioritize training before presenting

2. Which three techniques will you focus on?
For example: Pauses, Providing Examples, Using hands to place things in my surrounding space

3. In which situations will you apply the three techniques?
For example: At team meetings

4. How will you train?
For example: Every Friday after lunch I will book the meeting room for 15 minutes and train next weeks presentations

Write down your answers in a document

Write down your answers in a document on your own computer.

Submit your answers to Lene

Copy your answers into the form below to send to Lene. By submitting this form, you agree that I can store your name, email-address and answers. All data will be deleted no later than six months from submission. You can always ask for your data to be deleted manually.