Formal and Informal Body Posture

Here’s the strategy for coming across both as personal and professional. It’s the basis of coming across with charisma…

Task 1: Use an example to demonstrate your point

Think of a point you want to make, use the format:

“If we want to [X], we must do [Y]”

Now, think of a specific example that demonstrates your action [Y].

  • Your Point: “If we want to [X], we must do [Y]”. Use I-posture.

  • Example: “Let me give you an example. Last week/month I was in…..” . Use S-posture.

  • Repeat the Point: “So, If we want to [X], we must do [Y]”. Use I-posture.

Task 2: Use a metaphor/comparison to emphasize your point

Think of a process step, you find meaningless and therefore would like to do optimize.

For example: Let’s change the way we register things in two systems. How can you explain the meaningless with a metaphor?

For example:

It’s like looking up a route on Google Maps and insisting on taking both routes suggested.

Stand up and practice this:

  • Let’s change the way we [X]…Use I-posture.

  • It’s like [metaphor]- Use S-posture.

  • Therefore I suggest we do [Y] instead. Use I-posture.