Storytelling with direct speech

Barack Obama: Fired Up! Ready to Go!

Barack Obamas Storytelling Technique

The exact re-telling of what was said is the technique behind this story. Here Barack Obama refers 14 times to what someone else said explicitly. The story almost becomes a screenplay.

The story ends with a rhetorical question as the main point.

Direct Speech used in this story:

  • And she said: “I’ll endorse you if you come to Greenwood”

  • They said: Tomorrow, we've got to go to Greenwood”.

  • From the back of the room, I heard a voice saying: “Fired up”.

  • And they said: “Fired up”.

  • And she said: “Ready to go”.

  • And after a couple of minutes, I was feeling kind of: “Fired up” (Note that thoughts can also be told with direct speech”

The rhetorical question that serves the point:

  • The question is whether we can get this country “Fired up”. And if we get this country “Ready to go”.

Your task:

  • Choose a message you want to work with.

  • Think of an example/story you can use to demonstrate the relevance of your message.

  • Write down the exact words of what they said and what you thought. (And feel free to come up with something here:-))

Be ready to:

  • Tell the story

  • Finish off with a one-sentence point - that is relevant to your message.