Virtual use of Objects, Signs and Involvement


Think of an initiative you want to communicate to your team or to another internal target group. Communicate this message following the rules below.


  1. Use the format: “Instead of A, let’s to B”
  2. Use signs with keywords for A and for B
  3. Show an object that represents your idea
  4. Make use of one involvement activity


Vote with Fingers: Show 1-5 finger according to how much you agree with …

Vote with Colors: Show something red if you think … show something green if …

Use Breakout Rooms: Give a task, minium ten minutes.

Give Answers in the Chat: Think about this for one minute and write your answer in the chat.

Use Mentimeter: Use the word-cloud and other involvement tools in Mentimeter

Individual reflection: Take a minute to think about the following …

Imagine: Close your eyes and imagine the following … (paint a picture of a dream scenario)

Virtual Whiteboard: Ask a question and ask them to write their answer on the whiteboard. For example: What do you see as the biggest problem with …