The Full Stop Pause

THE FULL STOP PAUSE adds importance to whatever you’ve just said. The technique is simple, but when it comes to mastering it, it's not so simple. Mainly because it does not feel natural in the beginning.

In the beginning, you have to force yourself to do it by counting to two or say tacit things in your head. But eventually, it becomes a rhythm you just follow, and that’s when it feels natural.

For most people, it takes 100 repetitions to access mastery level.


Say the following, and add a 2-second pause after each sentence:

In this meeting we will :

1. Identify the problems (2 sec pause)

2. Come up with solutions (2 sec pause)

3. Agree on the best solution (2 sec pause)

In that way, we can keep the flow.(2 sec pause)

Record your voice using the recorder on your phone (App: Memo)

  • Version 1: Say it out loud. Record it. Listen to yourself. How long were the pauses?

  • Version 2: Say it again strive to keep them for 2 seconds. Listen to yourself. How long were the pauses now?

  • Version 3: Record it again. Listen and keep the last recording.

Rate yourself

How many stars will you give yourself? (1-5)

You will get one from me for practicing this with a recorder!