Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO: Building the Company my Dad Never Worked For

A story becomes strong when it includes a 5 sec-moment and a strong and relevant one-sentence point.

  • A 5-sec moment is a very concrete experience (that takes about 5 seconds) - and it is the moment that starts a change. “I saw….. “, or “I heard them say: “…..”, or “And what happened was…..”

  • A one-sentence point is a point you want to make with this story. It must tell your vision in one sentence. NB! It is a point you have added to your story to make it relevant to your vision or message.

Examples from this video:

0.39: The moment: “I walked in, and my father was spread on a couch with a cast….” Here Howard Schulz life changes - it makes a big impression on him.

1:56: The one-sentence point: “I wanted to try and build the company my dad never got the chance to work for”. Here he formulates his vision. The vision was born in “The moment” and sharpened in the one-sentence point.

Your task:

  • What’s your vision as a leader that will inspire people to follow you?

  • Think of a moment in your life that gave birth to this vision.

  • Formulate a one-sentence point that’s relevant to both your story and your vision.

You can use these sentences to support the delivery of your story:

  • When I was……

  • We/I usually….

  • But then one day I remember….

  • … And I thought.. “….”

  • The point is “……..”

Be ready to share your story.