Body Posture - the “i”

How do you carry yourself? Are you grounded or do you step around? Do you stand up tall and straight, or do you lean to one side? Get familiar with the body posture of how you should carry yourself to signal confidence.

Your task

Go to the mirror and stand in a relaxed position. Now take a good look. Are you “i” or “s”?

Ask for a higher salary

Take the i-posture in front of the mirror.

Pretend that you ask your boss for a higher salary, which is something that challenges most of us. Look at yourself in the mirror and focus on keeping the i-posture. Lean forward. Now say:

“I am suggesting a salary raise of XXX as a logic follow-up on my results with XX. What do you think about that?

Rate yourself

How many time do you have to practise this to be able to stay leaned forward and in the “i” position?

If it’s 5 or less - you are a star.