Pitch a project in 75 seconds

Your Task

  1. Choose a message and a target audience.
  2. Watch the video.
  3. Prepare a 75-second presentatio based on the structure below.
  4. If you prepare it backwards, you make it easier for yourself. Start my formulation the Reward, then the Call to Action, then the Complication and the Consequence.

Performance direction

  • Say it out loud. Strive to make a one second pause after each part.

The Structure:

  1. Situation: We are currently in a sitaution where…

  2. Aspiration: We strive to…

  3. Problem: But unfortunately….

  4. Consequence: As a consequence..

  5. Solution Sentence. Therefore let’s…

  6. Call-to-Action? The logical and down-to-earth practical steps, if we are to implement your solution. Say: To be concrete we should firstly…..secondly… and thirdly…. (3 actions all-in-all)

  7. Reward. The one major advantage/gain for your audience.


Write down your answers and bring them to the training day

Write down your answers in a document on your own computer/handwritten and bring to the training day.

Submit your answers to Lene (Optional)

Copy your answers into the form below to send to Lene. In that way, you can get more precise feedback in the training. By submitting this form, you agree that I can store your name, email-address and answers. All data will be deleted no later than six months from submission. You can always ask for your data to be deleted manually. Submit your Aspiration, Complication, Consequence, Solution, Call-to-Action and Reward